All Episodes
12: Be the person you want to attract
11: You change the world by being yourself
10: The risk of a wrong decision is preferable to the terror of indecision
9: They will ignore you until they need you
8: A goal is a dream with a deadline
7: Inaction breeds doubt and fear
More Information about the Find Your Voice Mastermind group: https://findyourvoice.tv/mastermind
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6: Creating the perfect system
Rich Litvin: The Perfect System article: https://richlitvin.com/the-perfect-system/ More about the Find Your Voice mastermind: https://www.findyourvoice.tv/mastermind
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5: A winner is a dreamer who never gives up
To apply for the Find Your Voice Mastermind group, go to https://www.findyourvoice.tv/mastermind
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4: How do you ALWAYS make the right decision?
More information about the Find Your Voice Mastermind group: https://www.findyourvoice.tv/mastermind
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3: 50 Things I Want To Have
Find out more about the Find Your Voice Mastermind group: https://www.findyourvoice.tv/mastermind
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2: What if time or money were not an issue?
Find out more about my mastermind group: https://www.findyourvoice.tv/mastermind "You Must Write A Book" by Honoree Corder
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1: Introduction - My journey to turn my dreams into reality
If you would like to spend an entire day with me, you can find out more information at https://www.findyourvoice.tv/daywithfreya
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